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Topography Survey

Topography Survey

Topographic survey is a method for mapping and measurement of land surface shapes to obtain data on elevation, contours, and natural or artificial features in an area. Topographic surveys are also used to determine terrain configuration.

We provide topographic survey services with the latest methods and technology. Supported by tools that are regularly calibrated and measurements that use geodetic rules, we can produce data that has a high level of accuracy and precision.

Technology We Use:

Total Station

For making BM


For creating control points

For coverage areas that are relatively flat, we use fixed wing vehicles to be more efficient in time, energy and costs. For areas where the terrain varies, such as hill and mountain areas, we use multirotor vehicles because they are more flexible in collecting data. The LiDAR sensor is a Livox Avia which at a flying height of 50m with a speed of 18 m/s can produce a density of 570 points per square meter.

LiDAR Implementation

Benefits of Topographic Survey in BIM:

The results of the topographic survey were used as a basis for creating a 3D model. The data needed to create a 3D model from a topographic survey is DED data and contour data. From contour data, volume calculations for cut and fill can also be carried out.


BIM Workflow