LiDAR is a technology that applies an active sensor remote sensing system to determine distance by firing a laser beam mounted on an aircraft. We provide LiDAR survey services which are supported by the latest technology and methods so that we can produce data with a high level of accuracy and precision and quality in the form of point clouds.
Technology We Use:
For coverage areas that are relatively flat.
For coverage areas where the terrain varies, such as hill and mountain areas.
For coverage areas that are relatively flat, we use fixed wing vehicles to be more efficient in time, energy and costs. For areas where the terrain varies, such as hill and mountain areas, we use multirotor vehicles because they are more flexible in collecting data. The LiDAR sensor is a Livox Avia which at a flying height of 50m with a speed of 18 m/s can produce a density of 570 points per square meter.

Benefits of LiDAR in BIM:
- Knowing the contours and DTM with high accuracy from creating BIM objects so that they can be used to calculate cut and fill volumes properly.
- As a material for 3D modeling because the output in the form of a point cloud is the basis for making 3D models that suit real conditions in the field.

Project – LiDAR
Universitas Muhammaddiyah Yogyakarta
We present an innovative example of a project where we utilized LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology to capture highly accurate dimensions of a building. By emitting laser pulses and measuring the time it takes for the signals to return, we were able to generate precise 3D point clouds. This method provided detailed surface data, enabling us to efficiently analyze structural features and create accurate models, essential for planning renovation works. Our team ensured the precision of the measurements by applying advanced LiDAR scanning techniques.
Ahmad Dahlan Mosque, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, is one of the places of prayer in the center of UMY Integrated Campus. The mosque is located in Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul. In addition, the mosque also functions as a public space for learning, discussion, and various student activities.