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Scan to BIM

Scan to BIM

Scan-to-BIM is a process to do a scanning with terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) which has point cloud as an output. Its output could be the source instead of DED or As Built Drawing to build the accurate and precise 3D modeling. It gives easiness to the client who didn't have the DED or As Built Drawing anymore.

BIM Implementation

We provide 3D Modelling from Scan-to-BIM point cloud with various level of detail (LOD) from 200 until 500. Then the 3D model could be developed to BIM 7D (Asset Information Model) with input the information, parameter, and attribute those are needed.

Benefits of Scan to BIM:

  • informative asset management to facilitate operations and maintenance
  • As a reference for plaining renovation and recontruction designs
  • As a reference for replicating designs

Scope of Work:

  • acquisition cloud data registration
  • Point Cloud data registration
  • Clean the noise point cloud and ecport to formats supported by 3D Modeling software (.rsc, .rcp, .lgs)
  • Perform 3D modeling from point cloud data
  • Input object parameters and attributes
  • Developing the model into BIM 7D (Asset Information Model)

