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Photogrammetry is the retrieval of information about a physical object and the conditions around it through the process of recording, observing or measuring, and interpreting photographic images or recording images of electromagnetic waves using aerial photo mapping techniques.

We provide aerial photo survey services which are supported by the latest technology and methods so that we can produce data with a high level of accuracy and precision and quality.

LiDAR Implementation

Fixed wing drones have a cruising range of 110 minutes and can cover an area of ​​900 Ha with a height of 2300 feet (700m). The vehicle we use uses the Post Processing Kinematic (PPK) method or differential positioning where the GPS receiver continues to move and the data processing is carried out after observation, thereby reducing or even eliminating the use of Ground Control Points (GCP) because the results from our vehicle's GPS already have a good level of accuracy and precision. The camera sensor that we use also has a resolution of 61 MP so that the accuracy results have a clear visual level and make it easier to process the acquisition results.

Technology We Use:

Fixed Wing Drone

For coverage areas that are relatively flat, we use fixed wing vehicles to be more efficient in time, energy and costs. For areas where the terrain varies, such as hill and mountain areas, we use multirotor vehicles because they are more flexible in collecting data. The LiDAR sensor is a Livox Avia which at a flying height of 50m with a speed of 18 m/s can produce a density of 570 points per square meter.

Benefits of Aerial Photos in BIM:

  • As a base map in creating BIM objects so that the resulting objects have visuals that match the actual field conditions.
  • Generates contours and DTM so that these results can be used to calculate cut and fill.


BIM Workflow

Project – Photogrammetry

Universitas Muhammaddiyah Yogyakarta

We present an innovative example of a project where we applied photogrammetry techniques to accurately capture the dimensions of a building. By using high-resolution images from multiple angles, we were able to create a precise 3D model. This method allowed us to efficiently analyze and calculate surface areas and other structural details, ensuring the accuracy required for renovation planning. Our team has dedicated significant effort to ensure the precise measurements for this project.

Ahmad Dahlan Mosque, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, is one of the places of prayer in the center of UMY Integrated Campus. The mosque is located in Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul. In addition, the mosque also functions as a public space for learning, discussion, and various student activities.