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Universitas Muhammaddiyah Yogyakarta

scan to BIM masjid KH.Ahmad Dahlan Universitas Muhammaddiyah Yogyakarta

Universitas Muhammaddiyah Yogyakarta

Ahmad Dahlan Mosque, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, is one of the places of prayer in the center of UMY Integrated Campus. The mosque is located in Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul. In addition, the mosque also functions as a public space for learning, discussion, and various student activities.

Through Scan to BIM, the mosque building was successfully modeled by the GeoBIM Indonesia Team with LOD of 300 - 350. Starting from field measurements using a laser scanner, point cloud processing, to 3D modeling. The application of Scan to BIM to the Ahmad Dahlan mosque helps the preservation and maintenance of the building, improving the efficiency of planning, renovation, and long-term facility management.

scan to BIM masjid KH.Ahmad Dahlan Universitas Muhammaddiyah Yogyakarta 2