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Kawasan Sumbu Filosofi DIY

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Sumbu Filosofi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta is a world cultural heritage declared by UNESCO in 2023. The term was first coined in the 18th century by the first king, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono organized the city of Yogyakarta with a deep philosophy, about human’s relationship with God and nature, and a reflection of the journey of human life.

This area consists of 3 landmark buildings stretching from north to south in a straight line. First, the Panggung Krapyak symbolizes the human journey since birth. Second, the Keraton Yogyakarta followed by the Alun - Alun Selatan symbolizes a human being who has matured. Along the way to the Tugu, it will pass through the Kompleks Kepatihan and Beringharjo Market, which symbolizes worldly temptations that humans must avoid. Third, the Tugu Golong Gilig symbolizes the human journey to face the Creator.

The Cosmological Axis area is one of 18 strategic spatial units in Yogyakarta. This area utilizes the BIM process to create informative 3D building models with a level of detail of LOD 200 - 350. This makes it easier for policy makers to determine spatial planning strategies.

gambar 3d modeling kawasan sumbu filosofi tugu jogja