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Ndalem Ketandan

gambar 3d modeling ndalem ketandan

Ndalem Ketandan

Ndalem Ketandan is one of the historical buildings in the Ketandan area, Yogyakarta, which has high cultural value and needs to be preserved. This preservation effort can be done by converting the building into a three-dimensional digital object. This process begins with scanning using a laser scanner to obtain detailed data on the building structure, which is then processed into a 3D model. This digital model has various benefits, especially in supporting the building revitalization and reconstruction process, as it allows for more accurate analysis without the risk of physical damage. In addition, the 3D model can also be integrated with Virtual Reality (VR) technology, allowing users to virtually explore Ndalem Ketandan, providing an interactive experience while introducing this cultural heritage to the wider community.

gambar 3d modeling ndalem ketandan