One Stop BIM Solution
Cultural heritage is a valuable asset that reflects the history, architecture and culture of a region. However, many historic buildings suffer from degradation due to age, environment, or human intervention. Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology is growing and is not only applied to new construction projects, but also in cultural heritage preservation. One of the methods used to create BIM models of historic buildings is Scan to BIM. BIM for cultural heritage includes 3D modeling of existing buildings that are integrated with the information inside by capturing data through 3D scanning using a laser scanner. The resulting digital model not only represents the shape of the building, but can also store various information about materials, structural conditions, and architectural elements that need to be considered in the conservation process.
Scan to BIM for Cultural Heritage
Digital Documentation of Historic Buildings
3D models are stored as digital assets that aid in long-term documentation and preservation. Scan to BIM records accurately, making architectural analysis and study easier for historians and conservators. In addition, Scan to BIM ensures the data remains available even if the building is damaged.
Basis for Reconstruction and Revitalization
3D models are an important basis for reconstruction or revitalization of cultural heritage buildings. This is because the 3D model provides an accurate representation of the existing condition of the building. The existence of 3D models facilitates collaboration and communication between various disciplines, such as architects, engineers, and conservators in the revitalization of cultural heritage.
Digital Asset Management
BIM not only stores building geometry but is also capable of storing important metadata, such as building materials and their structural condition, maintenance and repair history, and predicted restoration needs based on analytical data.
Interactive Experience with VR and AR
With the BIM model, cultural heritage buildings can be integrated with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies to provide virtual tours for visitors without having to access the physical location, provide interactive educational experiences about the history and architecture of the building, facilitate research without damaging or disturbing the original structure.
Through Scan to BIM, GeoBIM Indonesia has successfully modeled various historical buildings in Indonesia, such as Yogyakarta's Cosmological Axis, Gedhe Mataram Mosque, and Ndalem Patehan. In addition to 3D models of each heritage, GeoBIM Indonesia also integrates VR and AR to provide interactive experiences without having to go to the location directly.
Scan to BIM is a revolutionary solution in cultural heritage preservation, combining digital technology with modern conservation approaches. With accurate digital documentation, better asset management, and interactive technology-based experiences, architectural heritage can be preserved for future generations without losing its historical value. The integration of BIM in historic building preservation not only improves efficiency but also opens up new opportunities in cultural exploration and education.